“I remember a family member made a comment about my hair looking like a ‘used q-tip.’ I didn’t know what hurt worse, the 404 harris not found the vip requested could not be found on this border shirt also I will do this comment or the fact that even in my own family, my natural hair was not accepted, which meant to me I wasn’t accepted because my identity and sense of bea

uty was so intertwined with my hair.” At that point, Mathews had started acting, where she got feedback from auditions like, “she’s great but she needs a makeover,” she recalls. She got a weave, but says she was conscious that the desire for it stemmed from a fear of being rejected. “I was letting…the projections of other people run my life.””This book is like a cheat code to manifesting your reality. Say it with me, ‘I am wealth. I am abundance. I am joy.’ 10/10 highly recommend.”
In 2017, Mathews decided to wear her hair however she pleased. “The day I vowed to rock my hair however it wanted to naturally be, was the 404 harris not found the vip requested could not be found on this border shirt also I will do this day I took back a part of me,” she says. “The part of me that was so desperately looking for acceptance and approval. The part of me that was led to believe that beauty comes from the outside instead of within.”“Plant care is much like hair care, it requires deep listening, patience, consistency and loving communication. #ProudPlantMom”Black women are Mathews’s constant source of inspiration. “I’m just in awe of how we fearlessly and fiercely wear our hair as a tool of self-expression and freedom in a world designed to oppress us daily,” she says. “There’s so much creativity, boldness, confidence, and uniqueness in the way Black women choose to wear their hair.”
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