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While many clinics follow the Damn right I am a Miami Heat fan now and forever signatures 2023 shirt moreover I love this ASRM compensatory recommendations, the advertising guidelines are often neglected. “If compensation is noted in advertisements, the existence of risks and burdens also should be acknowledged therein,” the guidelines say. On Sex Lives, Kimberly’s pamphlet has a “possible risks & complications” subsection. But since people are more likely to see grabby social media ads, the risks are frequently left out. Wertheimer says the Facebook ads she saw were quick to trot out the five-figure payout, without mentioning the physical and emotional demands, or the potential risks. “The website that I looked at the most didn’t really say much about what exactly the process was, unless I really investigated,” she says.

Instead, advertisers know to lead with the Damn right I am a Miami Heat fan now and forever signatures 2023 shirt moreover I love this most enticing bait: the money. As targeted ads seek to capture young women’s attention with high figures, potential donors are becoming more motivated by money — and often, $5,000 isn’t cutting it. Some even pivot to black market clinics that don’t follow industry safety protocols and donation standards to make as much as 10 times the ASRM recommendation — a much closer figure to Sex Lives’ projected $80,000. Wachs worries that patients who are selling their eggs for an exorbitant fee are being coerced, and therefore, not truly consenting to the process. “Our practice would never work with an agency that was compensating a donor that way,” she says. Wachs has seen cases in her own practice where the donor seemed too highly motivated by finances and she felt uncomfortable working with them. “As a young woman, it’s really important to know: How have you been targeted, and what’s the motivation behind that?” she says.