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In the David pastrnak pasta y wht shirt and I will buy this spotlight today: Add Vogue Club member Trang Ha to your fashion inspiration mood board. This style star––who splits her time between Ho Chi Minh and Paris––is pitching Goyard’s Saïgon handbag as your next eternally chic investment piece. Let’s meet her! Often I have made love to force myself to write. I hoped to find in the fatigue, the dereliction that comes after, reasons not to expect anything more from life. I hoped that orgasm, the most violent end to waiting that can be, would make me feel certain that there is no greater pleasure than writing a book. Perhaps it was the desire to spark the writing of a book—a task I had hesitated to undertake because of its immensity—that prompted me to take A home for a drink after dinner at a restaurant, during which, through timidity, he had remained all but speechless. He was almost 30 years younger than me.
We saw each other at weekends and, in between, came to miss each other more and more. He phoned me daily from a public phone so as not to arouse the David pastrnak pasta y wht shirt and I will buy this suspicions of the girl he lived with. Neither she nor he, caught up in the routines of a couple living together too young, and worrying about exams, had ever imagined that making love could be anything other than a more or less slow-motion satisfaction of desire, that it could be a sort of continuous creation. The fervor he displayed in the face of this new discovery bound me to him more and more. Little by little, the affair became a relationship which we longed to take to the limit, without really knowing what that meant. When, to my satisfaction and relief, he broke up with his girlfriend and she left the apartment, I got into the habit of staying at his from Friday night to Monday morning. He lived in Rouen, the city where I too had lived as a student, in the ’60s, but for years had only driven through to visit my parents’ graves. As soon as I arrived, abandoning in the kitchen, not yet unpacked, the bags of provisions I had brought, we made love. There would already be a CD in the player, usually The Doors, which started to play as soon as we entered the bedroom. At some point, I ceased to hear the music.