Because society- particularly the Destroy lonely rolling loud 2023 shirt and by the same token and conservative Christianity that took over in the 1980s- sexualizes women so much that breasts are now considered to be primarily for sex and not for feeding infants. Men are basically an assemblage of cylinders. It’s easy to make garments fit men. One cylinder for the body, one for each arm, done. Women have topography. A shirt that looks good on a man doesn’t necessarily look good on a woman. Especially tighter fitting shirts. Even the same shirt won’t look the same on different women. Women have more variation in their shapes than men. It the torso length might be wrong or it might have too much or too little fabric to cover her breasts. The
darting might be wrong so it doesn’t lie right.
I cannot speak for all men, but in my experience, some men do wear their T-shirts inside out with the Destroy lonely rolling loud 2023 shirt and by the same token and tag showing. I think it can be a style choice for some men, or maybe they just don’t realize the tag is showing. Either way, it’s not a big deal to me. You’ve already explained why many consumers want logo branded items in your clarifying comments to this question. Usually, consumers seek out goods branded with logos of companies they consider cool, chic, and/or exclusive; ideally all three. The thinking is that by wearing a logo, you are associating yourself with the same qualities connected to that logo. So, consumers’ desire to wear a t-shirt emblazoned with, say, the logo of a company that sells expensive clothing, is a desire to instantly communicate the following: Sometimes, the logo is not meant to convey the wealth of the wearer, but rather, to show his superiority in some other facet of life. A quality item doesn’t need a logo to show its worth. It does that with its construction, quality of material, and durability. ** jealous NYU grad who would wear Harvard branded everything if she had gone there. Harvard underwear, anyone? Parents probably would have re-painted the entire house to say ‘Harvard’.