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I think people go overboard on the Every girl should be a dj shirt so you should to go to store and get this sunscreen issue. I was a lifeguard. I worked outside, unshaded for hours at a time. THEN, I used sunscreen. When I’m working in the yard in the hot Florida sunshine, THEN I use sunscreen. If I’m planning a day at the beach, THEN…etc. Point is, I’m blonde, blue eyed and pink skinned, mid 60’s, and actively outside every day…and my skin looks fine. No wrinkles, no skin cancers. Of course you want to wear sunscreen if you’re going to be outside in the sun but be reasonable about it. You need vitamin D from the sun. Most doctors will tell you to get 10 minutes or so every day during the less intense times – before 12 noon and after 4PM. In fact, a study has shown that among other reasons, it’s possible that prostrate cancer in black American men can be linked to a lack of vitamin D due to their darker pigmentation which blocks UV rays and the cooler latitudes of North America. All things in moderation, I say, including, on occasion, moderation, lol. Now if you’re speaking of wearing sunscreen on just your face everyday…sure…why not? It’s only a small part of your overall skin surface and the most delicate. Protecting it can’t hurt.
I’m a huge fan of the Every girl should be a dj shirt so you should to go to store and get this powdered mineral sunscreen’s that come in the containers with the twist up brush for application. They range from $12-$55 in most pharmacies or on Amazon, and they’re wonderful for people with fair skin! You can reapply them constantly! On your shoulders, fingers, and key hole cut outs on sundresses in the summertime, over make up , in the part of your hair, in your ears,on your arms etc. I even keep one specially marked with sharpie just for my feet …so I don’t get “sandal tan “sun burn marks on my feet. I also use them on the baby …because it doesn’t wake them up to apply it, if you are outdoors and need to top up the SPF. Yay, they’re not greasy, scented, sticky, they don’t stain clothing or upholstery, and they don’t make you feel hot !!!