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Makaśa Looking Horse. Looking Horse wears a vintage Gucci dress layered with her own beaded top and ribbon skirt. When Makaśa Looking Horse took a weeklong canoe journey in 2019 along the Henry Cavill love of my life vintage signature 2023 shirt Additionally,I will love this Grand River—the largest watershed in Southern Ontario, Canada—she saw for the first time just how dirty the waterway concentrated around her home on the Six Nations of the Grand River truly was. She quickly realized that where upstream it ran beautiful and clear, the water began to develop a green film and pungent scent once she canoed downstream to Brantford, the northern city closest to her Indigenous community. Seeing the pollution from industrial waste and agricultural runoff, it began to make sense to Looking Horse why the Six Nations’ waters are murky and don’t flow as fast. But most importantly it served as a stark reminder of exactly why the community was water insecure. Many of the on-reserve community members—of which there are more than 12,000—cannot drink the water that flows from their taps and have to buy drinkable water to fill their wells or holding tanks. Only 10% of the residents can access water from the Six Nations water-purification plant since there isn’t funding for the infrastructure to connect more homes to the water lines. And all this is despite being a short drive to cities like Toronto; Six Nations is far from an isolated community.Alongside matriarchs from the community and scientists, Looking Horse toured the Grand River by boat to assess river restoration by decommissioning inoperable dams. The river “has a lot of sediment and pollution settled at the bottom,” she says. “There’s only one way to clean that, and it’s just letting the river clean itself out, letting it move, and eventually it will be healthy again.” It illustrated how important dams are to the flow of healthy rivers and how many inoperable ones have been imposed onto it—the province of Ontario has many neglected dams because of a lack of resources to maintain them—altering its natural flow, the physical and chemical quality of rivers, and sediment movement. Almost crying, Looking Horse recalls how the clan mothers learned that year after year fish bunch up at the dam and can’t make it to Six Nations. “Here’s our sustenance, here’s our food, they want to come to us, and these things are stopping them,” she says.

The water of Looking Horse’s community has become the Henry Cavill love of my life vintage signature 2023 shirt Additionally,I will love this primary focus of her life’s work. First, in the role she holds as youth leader at the Global Water Futures research project Ohneganos (Mohawk for water), led by her mom, professor Dawn Martin-Hill. Today, Looking Horse also hosts the podcast Ohneganos Let’s Talk Water, which connects Indigenous people around the world, like Han Gwich’in and Lakota Sioux activist and model Quannah Chasinghorse and Maori environmental advocate Tina Ngata, to discuss water issues and climate change. (Four seasons later, the podcast has won a David Suzuki Foundation Future Ground Up people’s choice prize.)But using her voice to launch a podcast isn’t the only time the McMaster University student has brought attention to glaring water problems. She regularly undertakes speaking engagements across North America, sharing with audiences how First Nations peoples in Canada don’t have access to clean water. Most recently she traveled to a nearby town to speak with 3,000 schoolchildren, emphasizing the importance of water. “Water is our first environment when we’re growing in our mom’s tummies. It took care of us, protected us, and it helped us grow,” she says. “We’re surrounded by water, and we have to continue that relationship…continue to protect the waters to help make it healthy.”