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Hhshirt - I love ticketmaster I’m also fucking stupid shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

I’ve been told by numerous women that they’re jealous of how naturally curly it was (I think that had more to do with wearing it in a tight braid daily for years on end than anything else, but hey, I could be wrong.) On the I love ticketmaster I’m also fucking stupid shirt Besides,I will do this whole, the experience was more negative than positive, but, I also had long hair during a period of my life that was among the most challenging I’ve dealt with (being a geek before it was cool, six foot tall and weighing 115 lbs with long hair did not work out well for me in all sorts of ways.) Do people treat me differently since I cut my hair? Yup. The management job offers came after the hair cut, marriage came after the haircut and lots of the mild harassment stopped with the haircut. Do I miss it? Yeah, I do (except when fighting… I don’t miss it getting grabbed, tangled in someone’s fist or being used for leverage at all.)

The moon is tidally locked to the I love ticketmaster I’m also fucking stupid shirt Besides,I will do this Earth. The forces between the Earth and the moon have gradually decelerated the moon until its rotation period is equal to its revolution period. * When you’re wrong, they can use that to point out all the other times when you thought you were right, but were wrong. Not only do I vehemently disagree, but I categorically reject this antiquated and sexist concept. Miss me with that bullshit, please. Men are no more or less emotional than women (or any other human). Sure, they’re trained to repress their emotions in some cultures, but that doesn’t mean men in general are less emotional. And the idea that they’re not emotional at all is blatant nonsense. Just look around and you’ll see men experiencing all kinds of emotions. The only way one could believe otherwise is: Sports obsessions. i really don’t get it. I can enjoy going to a game and I played several sports as a kid. but people who can watch any sport all day long ever couple of day? I don’t understand it. Guys who tune out for months on end and memorize stats, wear the clothes of other men, get emotionally engaged and sets their mood for the week based on how a favorite team does seems insane to me. Pointless, time wasting and a substitute for real life.

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