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But quite frankly it didn’t matter. I had made it. Gotten a seat at the Jerry would hate all of you shirt Besides,I will do this coveted poker table called “Wall Street”. And it was the only way I could foresee myself becoming a millionaire. Tom was from the West Coast and was very laid back. He was originally Chinese, but he was not like the rest of us, bright eyed and bushy tailed and eager to learn about the inner workings of Wall Street. Nearly every night as fresh analysts on Wall Street, we had some sort of activity, whether it was training program related (organized by the company) or just a group of us hot shot new analysts who wanted to go out and explore the city. Tom rarely joined us for these events. Unless of course it was mandatory, at which point he left just as soon as it was over.
Over the Jerry would hate all of you shirt Besides,I will do this course of the next year I befriended Tom and got to know him a little bit better. The more I got to know him, the more I realized the difference between him and many of the others in our class…he was frugal. He told me he never really cared to come to Wall Street but he just wanted to make some money and then go back to the West Coast and retire. He didn’t need much he just wanted a comfortable living, which is why he rarely spent money. He lived over in Brooklyn since the rent was half the price as Manhattan. But Tom didn’t mind the 35 minute commute on the subway because he wanted to save money. After our two year analyst program in New York, many people in my class got “promoted” to associate and stayed on in NY. Some left to competing firms, and still others left the business all together. I caught up with Tom and asked him what his plan was. After prodding and prying for a while Tom finally told me that between his salary and bonuses etc he had saved up nearly $60k USD over the last 2 years and once he got to $100k he was “out” and would move back to the West Coast and figure out the next step. Wall Street wasn’t for him and he just wanted to jump start his retirement plan.