At the Master Yoda Hug Baby Sloth friends shirt moreover I love this heart of dim sum is the bao or steamed bun. This dish goes back so far in Chinese history that it cannot be dated accurately. What we do know is that it probably did not originate from Guangdong province and probably not even from southern China as wheat was not a staple of this province or region. We do know that during the Jin Dynasty 265-420 AD (that turbulent period of Chinese History capture by the book “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”) that one of the East Jin Generals had steamed buns with a filling cooked and sent to his soldiers as a form of thank you for fighting hard. As a result, the soldiers called it ‘dim sum’ or you ‘touch my heart’, a shorten form of ‘gratitude’. Aside: the language used in the Jin Dynasty was Jurchen (Manchu) – meaning it was not Mandarin nor Cantonese. Dim sum is a Cantonese word and it is highly unlikely that an East Jin General would have pronounced it dim sum.
During the Master Yoda Hug Baby Sloth friends shirt moreover I love this Song Dynasty that 960–1279 AD, trade on the silk road flourished. With it were small tea houses that would serve tea with an offering of small dishes. Why small dishes. The answers appeared varied. Some suggests it was for economic reasons – most travelers had their own rations and did not want to pay for large meals. Those that did could order it and then you would cook it as required. Some suggests it was due to the varied demand. First you did not know when someone was coming and keeping smaller amounts enough for finger food made sense. Second, tastes varied significantly thus if you had one big dish, it was going to be hit or miss. Some suggests it was the nature of the competition. Those tea houses that offered a variety of interesting small eats did more business which encouraged more tea houses to provide small eats. This competition became more important during the Ming Dynasty 1368–1644 AD when the Bureau for Tea and Horses enforced minimum standards at tea houses and hospitality centres.