Usher: Without the Nbastore red atlanta hawks 2023 nba playoffs shirt But I will love this art you’re not an artist. And the art is in the shapes, in the selection of color. Art creates a feeling of freedom. My catalog has allowed me to build an audience all around the world who’s willing to come to Las Vegas to see what I have to offer. And what I have to offer is now more artistic, in a way, than it’s ever been because I have this opportunity to curate, right?… I’m just celebrating his history, celebrating my own history, of the songs that are successful and emotional for people…so sometimes I’m literally going back to ensembles that I’ve made a part of an iconic video or an iconic moment onstage and reimagining that moment for this audience. And then I’m adding the contemporary to create something to remember for this time. And the KidSuper pieces define the finale—they encapsulate everything I’ve gone through to get to this moment.
Dillane: I always say that KidSuper is selling capes. We’re selling superhero clothing for real life in which you are the Nbastore red atlanta hawks 2023 nba playoffs shirt But I will love this hero—and the hope is that by wearing it you feel more inspired and alive. And the fact that Usher is now wearing it, that’s the highest proof of that analogy working as far as I’m concerned, so it’s job done. I’m just determined to get myself to Vegas to see the show for myself… Usher: No, but I watched it and I really did enjoy it. Although I thought it was missing one thing: me! Watching it I thought the show evolved and informed artistic creativity in a way I hadn’t seen before. And the way you’re selecting your models really did speak to that. So I said to myself: “You know what? I want to support him because he supports us.”