You get used to these things quite soon. It’s fine to pick up the Nebraska is worth fighting for shirt so you should to go to store and get this local (mis)pronunciations, as long as you recognize their informality and you suit your language to the occasion. Remember that the people you’re conversing with are not getting paid to teach you Spanish. If they switch to English, then try to stay with Spanish in your reply until they specifically ask you to use English. Don’t despair. Just study more and try again later. Most people will be patient with you for a while, depending on how busy they are. If you’re going to a certain kind of place or event, study beforehand to learn some vocabulary so you’ll know what others are saying. Read Spanish newspapers and magazines every day.
The first couple of weeks it will feel like it’s taking forever. After four or five weeks you’ll feel like it took no time at all, because the Nebraska is worth fighting for shirt so you should to go to store and get this language just comes to mind when you need it. Be modest. Assume that your accent is horrible and that you confess your non-native status with every word you say, even if people assure you that you don’t have an accent at all. You do. But pay attention to how the locals produce their sounds and try to do likewise. None of the consonants are genuinely identical to the English version, and the vowels are even harder to place correctly. If your goal is to pass for a native, you would need to study tone production the way the best British actors do, as they learn to do a nearly flawless American accent. American actors never do as well going the other way, and ordinary English speakers are notorious for not even trying to get accents right. I once listened to a noted English writer address a French sci-fi convention in fluent French … with the most appallingly bad accent I’d ever heard. I wasn’t close to fluent but my pronunciation at least bore some resemblance to French. It was as if he didn’t bother to try.