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Do you know what would happen if you wore a kimono, as a non-Japanese, in Japan? Even if you wore it “incorrectly?” Not much, except maybe you’d get a compliment or two. (and even some Japanese people put on “incorrect” parts of a kimono in some trendy fashion style, like Wa Lolita, which is like a kimono meets European doll look) Seriously. Japanese people LOVE it when foreigners wear kimono or anything else Japanese. Same for the Reparations and prison abolition critical race theory shirt also I will do this Chinese. They LOVE it when non-Chinese people wear Chinese clothes. Hell, if you marry a Chinese woman, it doesn’t matter what race you are. She might demand you wear a red Chinese outfit for a traditional Chinese wedding. It turns out that claiming that you aren’t allowed to share and mix elements of cultures because of race is actually a racist thought in of itself. Those who cry cultural appropriation are fucking retarded.
On an unrelated topic, I remember people complaining about the Reparations and prison abolition critical race theory shirt also I will do this USA “Southern Belle” look, saying it promotes a history of American racism. The look is based on mid-1800s fashion, which has a cage crinoline. But … here’s the thing … American fashions were copied from English and French fashions, and the cage crinoline, the thing that made the signature skirt that people specifically complained out, that was fucking invented in Great Britain or France, depending on who you talk to, but it’s certainly not American. (Oh, by the way, Plantation Owner’s wives and daughters weren’t the only women in America who wore crinolines. The women up north had them too) Yet people were saying the wide skirts were a symbol of American slave owners and racism. No. The cage crinoline is one of many symbols of the productive factories and influential fashion styles in Europe at the time. The cheaply reproduced cage crinolines were used in many, many different countries, and all because people wanted to copy Great Britain and probably France. I’m pretty sure there were even well to do black women with cage crinolines to wear on special occasions.