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After all, as Bastida points out, true change—like getting President Biden to commit to reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030—doesn’t happen unless we ask for it. And for her, celebrating those wins is essential, a necessary part of climate activism. “We’re choosing this line of work for life,” she says. “If we don’t get joy out of the Selected slide 1 of 3display slide 2 of 3display slide 3 of 3 roman reigns 1000 days champion shirt But I will love this things we are able to change, it’s just going to become exhausting, and we’re going to burn out. Ground yourself. Remind yourself what you’re fighting for. You’re fighting for future generations to feel what you’re feeling when you go outside. You’re fighting for stability, and you’re fighting for joy.” Madison is a senior writer/editor at, covering news, politics, and culture. When she’s not on the internet, you can most likely find her taking a nap or eating banana bread.

If quarantine has been good to anyone, it’s Zerina Akers. Trace her steps from the Selected slide 1 of 3display slide 2 of 3display slide 3 of 3 roman reigns 1000 days champion shirt But I will love this beginning of the lockdown to now and you’ll embark upon a whirlwind journey rooted in storytelling—an integral part of her brand. As she tells me over the phone, quarantine has been “over” for her for a while. Akers isn’t saying she’s abandoned COVID-19 protocols, rather she’s used the period of stillness to recharge. “I think at the beginning it was nice to have time to try new things—starting an earth garden, cooking, doing a puzzle, and sitting on the couch and doing nothing,” she explains. “But now, I’ve kind of fully pressed forward on working on different projects and evolving my brand into something that could stand on its own.” Akers’ quarantine tells the tale of dynamic sister duo Chloe x Halle, who ushered in a mature era with futuristic latex and chains, as well as the celebration of and homage to the Black diaspora through costumes in Beyonce’s Black Is King.