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Can you believe adultery is not a crime?!?! Korea is being tainted by this culture since like 12 yrs ago or so where adultery is not a crime anymore. England prime minister Boris has extramarital child?! crazy! French prime minister or whatever few years ago also had extramarital child. Bill Clinton commits adultery but still goes on giving seminar talking BS gibberish making tens of thousands of dollars(yea he came to my school). Angelia Jolie and Brad Pitt were hot on TV even after their gruesome adultery – bot surprising to see their unhappiness fall out- God’s wrath. Remember what he did to King David after he raped Bathsheeba and had Solomon. God said there will be bloodshed in his family and his crowned son raped his half sister and her full brother killed the Thomas massie clown world shirt so you should to go to store and get this raper.
Im not a big fan of Communism but XiJinping is doing something right – BANNING lgbt, adultery, sexual abuse, drinking, smoking, sexually dressing, too much cleavage, reincarnation or ghosts. And on top of that there is the Thomas massie clown world shirt so you should to go to store and get this whole drug thing. Korea was quite drug free but kpop stars who were doing hiphop and close to western culture started drugs and tatoos(also forbidden by God) and all those BAD CULTURE. Terrible !! Too much stuff. Too much materialism. Too much information available & then distorted & corrupted by flawed individuals. Too much power & control given to far few people. Too many crisis. EVERYTHING just Has to be a CRISIS! Too much division. Too much PLASTIC. Too many terrorist. Too much violence used in entertainment. Too many drugs. Too many psychopaths & narcissists in powerful places. Too many genders. Too many choices. Too much division. Too much crude & rude language dude! Too much poor &/or neglectful parenting. Too little self-control & discipline. Too much focus on climate & not enough on the poor spiritual condition of the human heart. (For starters) all of those ideals championed and cherished around the world today originated in Western Countries, why are they bad?