Still with me? OK. So once upon a time, the Wet umbrella d3 mt d4 h1 h2 d1 st d2 shirt Also,I will get this Chinese people had perfectly good, different-sounding words for “mother” and “horse”. Here they are: (Please note: writing is in modern simplified Chinese script and labeled with modern Mandarin pronunciation, because I do not know the corresponding ancient versions, but the concept holds just fine regardless) There was no confusion and life was grand. But at some point, perhaps in a trend started by newly born babies who didn’t know better, it became insanely popular for people to refer to their mothers as “ma” (sounds familiar right? This sound combination referring to mothers is extremely common in languages around the globe – again we can blame the babies for that!)
Now, in those days, characters were mostly being used for accounting and court records, such that there wasn’t much call to write down new, trendy, informal words like “Mummy”. But one man, let’s say an army general far from home, was missing his mother and wanted to write her a letter in the Wet umbrella d3 mt d4 h1 h2 d1 st d2 shirt Also,I will get this most personal style, so that she could read it out and hear it just the way he wanted to speak it. Until he came to his final sentence: “I love you mummy.” But how could he express this new word in writing? He knew he couldn’t just write the old character for “mother”, way too formal and impersonal. And he couldn’t very well use the character he knew with a similar sound, because he would literally be writing “I love you Horse” which might not go down too well at the family home, and could even lead to some vicious rumours in the village! So he decided to get creative. He took two existing characters, one to represent the sound “ma” and the other to give a clue to the meaning (he chose 女 “woman” for this task), and after a few practices with the chisel, he settled on: