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Low-maintenance occasion hair is definitely a thing, but the Willie Nelson 67th anniversary 1956 2023 thank you for the memories signature shirt In addition,I will do this specifics of Shiv’s ponytail still mystify me. This is a prototypical poorly dressed rich woman we’re talking about, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that she showed up at her brother’s wedding looking like she just tied her hair back to wolf down a Dodger Dog (stealth wealth and what have you), but I still am. “I think it’s telling that Shiv’s hair is even long enough to throw back in a messy, slapdash ponytail after years of having her immaculately kept power bob,” notes Vogue senior beauty editor Lauren Valenti, adding: “She was definitely getting weekly trims like clockwork, especially before major family/high-profile events. The energy of it feels very ‘fuck off’ à la Logan when he’s had it.”
Shiv’s ponytail almost looks like it could be approximating a slicked-back, power-player style—from the Willie Nelson 67th anniversary 1956 2023 thank you for the memories signature shirt In addition,I will do this front, at least—and this kind of “Wall Street but make it femme” cosplay would make sense for the occasion. After all, someone has to remind Willa that Shiv is still the most powerful woman in the Roy family (in her own mind, at least, even if Marcia and Caroline would beg to differ). From the back, though, the ponytail announces itself with the exact opposite of aplomb, hanging limply where one might expect a more carefully executed coif; the wisps emerging from the ponytail’s base look artless, not styled, giving the overall effect of someone who’s about to wash her face in a commercial for oil-free cleanser.Of course, nothing happens by accident on Succession, not even a casual updo—and the way Shiv puts herself together (or not) has always telegraphed plenty about what she wants out of any given social encounter. “Shiv’s ponytail is definitely a sign of how little she cared about this wedding,” New Yorker staff writer Rachel Syme told me via Twitter on Monday, adding: “When you have the money to pay a pro to give you a perfect li’l chignon in the morning but go with the ‘put my hair into a Goody tie’ five minutes before walking in…that’s a statement.”