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Hhshirt - Wwe hall of fame class of 2023 shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

The West is often condemned for its historic imperialism, colonialism , conquests etc and slavery. This is to ignore the Wwe hall of fame class of 2023 shirt besides I will buy this fact that other peoples behaved in pretty much the same fashion and often far worse when they were in the ascendant. The idea that whites were or are uniquely bad in this respect is a function of deep ignorance of such Empires as those of the Chinese, Japanese, Khmers, the Arabs, Mongols, Black Africa, the Indian sub Continent , the Aztecs, Incas etc etc. Likewise, slavery was practiced in some form or other in just about every society in history. The Arabs for example , practiced slavery into Africa for at least a thousand years before the Atlantic trade and it continues to this day in some parts. Muslims also enslaved Europeans for centuries. Elsewhere it was common for wealthy Chinese to give their daughters a slave as a wedding gift, and this was true right up to the beginning of the 20th Century. Debt slavery continues to this day in the Indian sub Continent. African tribes enslaved others and sometimes ate them. It was from them that the Atlantic slave traders got their slaves. Native Americans conquered other tribes in territorial disputes and massacred and enslaved them and so on.

What is remarkable about Western Civilisation is not that it had a history of slavery, but that it was the Wwe hall of fame class of 2023 shirt besides I will buy this first in history to condemn slavery for entirely moral reasons. There is far too little focus on this in the effort to denigrate the West. And it is also a fact that the peoples of the colonial Empires were frequently far better ruled by their colonial masters than they were by the corrupt local tyrants who preceded and succeeded them. Colonised peoples accepted their rulers, often represented by only tiny numbers of officials, for that reason. This was the case of the British Empire in India, parts of Africa and elsewhere, Colonialism more often than not rescued colonised peoples from their age old inertia and barbarism or semi barbarism and introduced them to modernity.

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