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The sizes of the You matter until you multiply you self times the speed of light squared then you energy shirt also I will do this clothes I’d listed varied, but most hovered around a 2XL, or a size 18 in pants. As a fat person, I know firsthand how hard these sizes can be to shop for, but I still got emotional when one DMer after another told me how excited they were to buy clothes that actually fit them, for a price that felt reasonable. I don’t consider myself that much of a fashion person, especially compared to my spectacularly clad Vogue colleagues, but I noticed that many of the people buying my clothes were fellow fat people, often ones who had previously complimented my style in person or online. I hadn’t made the clothes, of course, but it still felt meaningful to be able to pass them along to people who might have as much difficulty unearthing plus-size gems in-store as I often do.I stopped wearing fast fashion when I stopped fitting into it, which means most of my clothes are from smaller brands (except for the few designed by Kardashians—who, I must unfortunately admit, understand how to create plus-size basics I actually want). It’s taken me a long time to define my style as a fat person, but I can finally say that I honestly love the majority of my clothes, and selling things that I’m still fond of, but no longer need, to people roughly my size is a lot more gratifying than lining up to try to flip a pair of size four jeans at some secondhand store.
As I held more Instagram Story sales and became accustomed to shipping pieces of my wardrobe around the You matter until you multiply you self times the speed of light squared then you energy shirt also I will do this country, I began to realize how plainly nice it was to be in regular touch with other fat people, even if it was just about clothes. The life I was living in Austin at the time was relatively isolated, and I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed the community that came with shopping or eating or simply watching TV with my fellow fat friends, people to whom I didn’t have to explain the indignity of medical fatphobia or the scourge of chub rub or the difficulty of keeping your style and sanity intact in a world that would prefer if you were…less. Selling my clothes on Instagram has given me many things—extra money, closet space, and the prized-beyond-rubies delight of decluttering among them—but the best thing I’ve gotten from it is a reminder that there are many people in my life with bodies similar to mine, even if I don’t see them in person every day. It’s easy to succumb to the toxicity of diet culture when I’m alone in my apartment, but when I surround myself with people who look and dress like me, I remember that I’m not alone.