Why are there people who cannot distinguish the Youth tampa bay lightning blue divide shirt it is in the first place but ethnic customs of members of the “white suburban middle class…” tribe from universal arts and sciences which are above all ethnicities, both those of savages in rare bird feathers or voodoo dolls and those of savages in Armani suits and financial derivitives? If by “Western culture” one means the ethnic white people who bought slaves from the ethnic Aftrican tribal chiefs, both of those kind of people are bad. And if you are a women, read about the ritual in some African tribal cultures of ripping out young girls external genitalia so tha tehey cannot have sexual pleasure (FGM). That is Africal, not Western “culture” (Hanny Lightfoot Klein, “Prisoners of ritual” is the goto book if you dare to learn and not just carp about “white people”).
The universalizing intelleuals of the Youth tampa bay lightning blue divide shirt it is in the first place but 18th Century Enlightenment which happened geographically in Western Wurope but which is committed to freeing all people irrespecive of their secondary characteristics from their”dogmatic slumber”, is something very different. If it was mostly produced by now dead white males it is for all humanity. (And let’s not forget about some dead yellow males, like Sun-Tzu in ancient China.) There is a lecture by the phiosopher Edmund Husserl who had the misfortune to be a white male and not a more woke ancestry, which is available free on the Internet “Philosophy and the Crisis of European Humanity”. This clearly states the ideals of Universaizing culture. Anothe essay free on the Internet: Individuality and Society
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