I thought I was so smart and put a piece of cardboard over the Green st patrick was italian 2023 shirt and by the same token and U in motherfucker. My THC altered mind believed that should be good enough to pass local hick town law, but the law enforcement saw it different. It was unfortunate my dad was a local businessman and the Chief of the Fire Department lived next door. We stayed for 24 hrs. and rumbled out of town the next day. We drove that bus to the Pacific Northwest version of Woodstock. “The Buffalo Convention and Pig Roast” only had 10,000 people, but the music was righteous. Being in the proper frame of mind around others in the proper frame of mind was a highlight of magical proportions. It seemed it was never day or night, simply a blissful paradise campfire or ear-splitting tonal vibrations that could rip the eyeballs from their sockets.
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now you want to hear the Green st patrick was italian 2023 shirt and by the same token and juicy parts, so here is my comment on Sex: There was a lot of naked people at those rock festivals. (It’s possible my old lady brain has a cataract blurriness but be assured I fulfilled all three parts of the hippie regulations.) Drugs: (I’m listening to Van Morrison and trying to remember.) My transformation from small town country girl to a full-blown hitchhiking hippie was winged with wacky weed. Back in the day, we got together and bought weed by the Lb. or even by the kilo. The joints were cigars and the reason, it usually wasn’t that good. We had Columbian Gold, Michoacán, and once I got some Highland Thai. True story. One of our friends decided he was going to do the deal of the decade with a California surfer dude he met. They came together in a Safeway parking lot and the mystery man heaved a 5-kilo brown wrapped package in the trunk of the soon to be rich Oregonian. The wannabe dealer hurried home and gathered everyone around for his big reveal. We had the extra large bongs at the ready as he unpocketed his marijuana embossed switchblade. He sliced through the butcher brown paper and when he tore it back we saw a dog’s picture. It looked like a sack of dog food. He poked into the stronger wrapping and out popped bite-sized dog chow. It WAS a sack of dog food. It was so fucking funny and very humiliating for our buddy. Remember that Alex, did you ever live it down?
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