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Wavetshirt - Official eaj park laughing in insomnia shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

I’d say that a lot of women are very attracted to long hair on men. BUT, it must be clean, healthy and shiny. You will have to take extra care with conditioning I would recommend a professional trim as it gets longer. The men in your pics just didn’t step out of the Official eaj park laughing in insomnia shirt Apart from…,I will love this shower with that look. Healthy hair grows about a half an inch per month or 1.27 cms. Please take vitamins for hair and skin, as in my experience they do work. I know a white guy with long blonde dreads and all the women go crazy for him. The more standard long hair on men almost always works! Let us know your attraction results. Men have thicker, stronger hair than women. It’s the testosterone. They’re designed to have fabulous Fabio locks. Most of the men in and around my life, the men who are important to me, have long hair, including my beloved son. This is him, about 5 minutes before those glorious locks were cut off for the Little Princess Trust

(He’s hit puberty in the Official eaj park laughing in insomnia shirt Apart from…,I will love this interim, so looks completely different). The header is his dad, a day before his donation. Men’s hair is beautiful. I don’t really ‘get’ why so many wear it short, unless they absolutely have to, like soldiers. Umm, I have news for you. Long hair that’s down makes your neck sweat. It’ll make your back and shoulders sweat and even your face if you don’t tie it back. I’ve had long hair for decades and I cannot stand it on my neck if it’s hot. I put in a braid or bun or any other style I can easily do that keeps it off my neck and back unless I’m going out and want to look a bit fancy and even then, if it’s very hot out, I’ll still have it up high enough to get it off my neck.

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