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Wavetshirt - San Diego state Miami Uconn Florida atlantic final Four shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

When the San Diego state Miami Uconn Florida atlantic final Four shirt and I love this Dixie Chicks were canceled for criticizing the invasion of Iraq, they were canceled by people like them: southern conservatives. People tend to be canceled for perceived violations of the group they belong to. Part of why cancel culture can appear so vicious is that the people doing the canceling are coming from a place of rage and betrayal. Emotionally, they believe, “I thought you were one of us, but you turned out to be The Enemy.” They feel personally harmed by the person or thing being canceled, even if they have never met or interacted with that person or thing. Cancel culture rests on a foundation of parasociality and in-group dynamics. * Cancel culture is a coordinated attempt to enforce values and norms. When a person or thing is canceled, perceived supporters of the person or thing are also attacked, sometimes even more viciously than the original person or thing. Anyone who is not sufficiently zealous about condemning the canceled person or thing becomes The Enemy. * Cancel culture extends beyond “I won’t support this person” to “I will make sure nobody supports this person.” People who wish to cancel a person or thing don’t simply vote with their own dollars, they try to vote with everyone else’s too.

They may, for example, attack venues that host the San Diego state Miami Uconn Florida atlantic final Four shirt and I love this canceled person or thing. When the Dixie Chicks were canceled, listeners threatened radio DJs who played their music (and one radio station suspended two DJs for playing them). Radio stations received phone calls night and day telling them to ban Dixie Chicks. Owners of venues that hosted Dixie Chicks concerts received death threats. Venues had to install metal detectors ahead of Dixie Chicks shows. * Cancel culture is selective outrage. It tends to be triggered not by bad or immoral behavior, but specifically by bad or immoral behavior that makes the people doing the canceling feel personally betrayed. When the Dixie Chicks were canceled, radio stations continued to play Tracy Lawrence, even though he was convicted of beating his wife.

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