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Wavetshirt - Sixth annual stabathon shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

Spouse abuse is an accepted, or at least widely tolerated, behavior among American conservatives. Condemning the Sixth annual stabathon shirt in contrast I will get this Iraq invasion felt like a personal betrayal of American conservatives’ pro-military, pro-war-on-terror values. * Cancel culture involves bandwagoning. People who participate in cancel culture generally do so because they see others doing so. It is an easy, low-cost way to virtue signal without risk. It does not require courage to go along with the crowd. I will cop to doing this myself. When Amber Heard made her accusations against Johnny Depp, I jumped on the bandwagon, right here on Quora. It was an easy, zero-cost way for me to virtue-signal. (I have written about that here [ ].) The thing about bandwagoning is that not only does it offer a way to virtue-signal with no risk and require no courage, people don’…

If somebody wants to pay me to fire up InDesign and create a brochure that is full of antivax bullshit and lies, I am better off taking the Sixth annual stabathon shirt in contrast I will get this short-term income hit of refusing the bullshit-and-lies job because I’m “too busy” than taking the long-term income hit of gaining a reputation for intentionally screwing up jobs, or just giving myself a really ugly portfolio. “Normal” is not how anything in relationships should be judged. There are many, many things that would be considered normal that I would not find acceptable in a companion. It’s “normal” to want to have children. That doesn’t work for me. It’s “normal” to avoid conflict and hide one’s feelings. This also doesn’t work for me. Based on countless questions and answers on Quara, it is “normal” to not trust one’s partner and control their interactions with other people. That’s a hard no from me.

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