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Wavetshirt - Snowfall 06th anniversary 2016 2022 thank You for the memories signatures shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

As far as I’m concerned, ‘gender’ can refer either to one’s personally (i.e., unique per individual), or to the Snowfall 06th anniversary 2016 2022 thank You for the memories signatures shirt so you should to go to store and get this role one is supposed to take up in society. Do I have a gender, in the first sense? I have a personality, yes. I also have preferences. Yet I’m not like other women or hermaphrodites. Before today, I intended to set up a small business with a friend. We had totally different views in direction as it turned out. It is a form of passive aggression, meaning ‘your views are unimportant here’. And it tells you that your goals are badly misaligned. If you argue with someone who thinks that gender is a social construct, and you force them to answer certain hard questions, you will find that they stop making sense after a certain point. For example, if I ask you, “Is it the case that sex has no effect whatsoever on behavior?” then you’ll have to answer “No” unless you’re crazy and think that people don’t have bodies, and endocrine systems, and so forth. But if sex affects behavior, then that means you can’t completely separate sex and gender. There is the argument about sex being a murky category, or a spectrum, but these kinds of arguments have two problems. First, they’re inevitably based on a continuum fallacy . Second, the number of people who are born with ambiguous sex is vanishingly small — less than 1% of the population. When someone is pointing to a tiny minority of cases to try and make an obvious dichotomy look like a spectrum, it is likely that they have some (ideological) motivation for doing so. The vast, vast majority of people are not born intersex, and this means that the vast, vast majority of people are born either male or female. It is also the case that biological sex affects behavior. These two facts are not really arguable, absent some very convoluted mental gymnastics and playing with definitions. If the vast majority of the population is born either male or female, and if biological sex affects behavior, then sex and gender cannot be totally separated.

This will not convince any die-hard progressive types, of course. Someone with a Ph.D in gender studies has an ideological axe to grind and defines their reality based on how well it lines up with identity politics. Indeed, if you argue with a progressive and really nail them down on a particular point, you’ll find that their argument boils down to this: “Well, it might be true that men and women are different, but that leads to inequality, so we should just ignore it.” It ultimately comes down to a simple refusal to recognize any reality that does not flatter one’s ideological biases. The argument, if you push them far enough, is that it just doesn’t matter how things actually work; you should just believe that gender is a social construct Because Equality.

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