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Wavetshirt - Texas s8tan shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

Also, we know that aspects of gender are most definitely socially constructed. Do you think pink is a girl’s color? How about purple? In the Texas s8tan shirt and by the same token and 19th century pink and white were worn by boys in England. Blue was for girls. Purple dye was incredibly expensive in the 14th century, with a purple robe costing as much as 1 years salary for an average person. Purple was a status symbol, and as such, worn by many kings. Purple was totally manly, yo. I could keep going with more examples for both cases but I believe I’ve made my point. There are countless others. Anyone who says that gender is either 100% social construct or 100% biological construct is 100% wrong. As for what we lose by taking one position or the other, I believe we lose quite a lot. If we define gender as a social construct then we miss out on celebrating the beautiful things that differentiate men from women, and women from men. We punish men for their uniquely male biological desires, and we punish women for theirs. If we carry out gender as a social construct to its logical conclusion, then everyone should be expected to be more or less androgynous, which as a red blooded male I find to be absolutely disgusting. I like casual sex, hot girls, lifting weights, motorcycles, mantastic fun with my friends/brothers, writing code, playing football, and other man stuff. Sue me. If we define gender as a biological construct then we risk losing sight of the bad aspects of gender that are learned – and that we should work to unlearn. Are men unemotional? Absolutely not. Stuffing down your emotions is not manly, it’s a recipe for an emotional explosion later down the road. It would be better to learn how to recognize and accept your emotions, practice mental fitness, and practice mental toughness. Since we have fewer female engineers than male engineers, does that mean that women are not as good at engineering as their male counterparts? Hell no. Those ladies do a damn fine job. We should absolutely encourage every woman with an interest in a STEM related field to pursue it.

I really believe the Texas s8tan shirt and by the same token and conclusion to draw from this is that if we can separate what is biologically innate from what is culturally learned we can learn to lead much healthier and happier lives. Society is probably a ways away from doing this, but at least you, dear reader, can have a better understanding of who you are and what makes you tick. I wish you the best. It is the most annoying thing, so out of all my personalities my job in particularly is to get past. What I like to call the list of bullshit. So as you can see I already have a lot of shit to deal with, now I don’t mind “My job” Im good at my job, My passive is that I can generally counter logical fallacies and shit like this anyways without even trying. So when I’m beating someones fucking ass in a debate, yeah yeah they can pull the whole big bad “Adults” Don’t try and accomplish anything in arguments not even “winning” or “changing the other persons mind” why the hell have you decided to waste my time with this discussion? Is what I start asking like you think I’m just gonna let you run away because you ain’t got shit? Bitch no? It’s like the fucking audacity is what really gets to me. Like I understand this agree to disagree shit works on people you can guilt trip by saying “Oh it’s not the right thing to try and win or accomplish something in a debate so lets just agree to disagree” why the hell did you even open your damn mouth in the first place if your goal wasn’t to convince me? Then I think I saw a answer somewhere about “when the other person refuses to change there mind” like this dosen’t mean your right, nothing about this points to you being right (I know they didn’t claim that), like your thinking “Ahh there to dumb to understand what I’m actually saying let’s just agree to disagree”

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