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Wavetshirt - Uconn basketball jordan hawkins the air fryer shirt

Writer's picture: hhshirthhshirt

The English can have Cromwell. They’re very welcome to him. And they can have a host of others too. But we Welsh and Scots do need to stop washing our hands of British involvement in Ireland, and in Empire more generally. And everyone else needs to stop enabling us in that. It won’t do us any good in the Uconn basketball jordan hawkins the air fryer shirt moreover I will buy this long run. We held on to our music, dance, and sports but it took the famines to almost wipe out our language which thankfully is making a comeback with the growth of the Gaelscoileanna in both the North and the South. Definitely not. I think it largely, but not completely, destroyed the Irish language (certainly as an every day spoken language) but the culture is alive and well. The Irish are, like the Ukrainians, a hearty people and their music and literature and all the other aspects of their culture continue to thrive, in traditional form and in new form. No, obviously not. I still speak Irish, I play hurling and handball. My sisters all step dance. I play the whistle, pipes, bodhran and DADGAD guitar. My brother plays fiddle. Our largest sports stadium (3rd largest in Europe) is for Gaelic games and seats 85,000 people. I go to Newgrange on winter solstice. I celebrate Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasa and Samhain.

Our culture is thousands of years old. It would take more than a couple of Great Hungers and a few Black and Tans to destroy it! which century are you referring to exactly? If you mean famine times, we were treated appallingly. We arrived as barely clothed Catholics, with famine fever, speaking Irish. So basically we didn’t look great and we weren’t treated well at all, not by the Uconn basketball jordan hawkins the air fryer shirt moreover I will buy this Americans either. When we went to England in the 50s or thereabouts, the Irish got plenty of work and we worked hard too but my dad got turfed out of his lodgings if an Englishman came looking for a bed, he also had to share a bed with another Irish man who worked nights when my dad worked days, he saw those infamous signs – no Irish, no blacks, no dogs – which were really cruel. He had foremen who insisted on paying the Irishmen in pubs that their were run by their friends; he’d take his money and leave as he hated the English beer. But he followed the work, he kept his faith, he worked with black men from the Caribbean (he called them very affectionately, ‘darkies’, as that was how it was back then. We didn’t see black people in Ireland least of all in rural villages) and he had great respect for them. He told us they were great workers and were very kind to him. He met my mum in England, she was an Irish nurse. He travelled all over that island and said that as long as you worked hard, the English were ok to you but their biggest issue seemed to be our Catholicism. He nvr wanted to stay and they didn’t either but he has always bn grateful to England for the work as was my mum. And now they get their little pension from the queen!!!

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